Super Secret Spy Club
A Spy Club for Super Kids
The S.S.S.C is a super secret spy club for super kids.
The S.S.S.C. was founded in 2023 by Agent A and Agent B to bring together a group of Super Kids to protect Red Elementary School from any and all threats it may face. Shortly after it's founding, Agent A was instrumental in defeating the dark menace of S.O.C.K. and their attempt to remove all sugary snacks from school. The S.S.S.C. continues to work tirelessly in the shadows to keep the kids and teachers of Red Elementary School safe, but with the mounting threats to fun of E.A.T.S. and S.P.Y.D.E.R., we are desperately in need of new Agents. This website was created as part of an effort to recruit new Super Secret Spies to join S.S.S.C. Do you have what it takes to join the team?